As the world faces its greatest challenges from global climate change and growing energy demands, EX-Fusion believes that laser based nuclear fusion can provide safe, clean, and inexpensive energy to supply power to our civilization’s advancement while being sustainable.
We at EX-Fusion will build and power the first laser-powered commercial nuclear fusion reactor. Traditionally, research and development around nuclear fusion was categorically sponsored by governments of wealthy countries (Japan included). However, because government backed programs are, by default, funded with taxpayer money, fusion research is often slowed down and is subject to the current administration’s priorities and the annual budget.
By positioning ourselves as a Japan-based fusion energy startup, we are able to seek private capital, accept higher risk tolerance and accelerate the development of necessary technologies for successful commercialization.
Also, Japan is home to several world-leading technologies around nuclear fusion and lasers. By leveraging and aggregating those partnerships, and building our proprietary technology on top of it, EX-Fusion will have critical advantages over competitors in terms of scalability.
EX-Fusion also believes that we need to reposition and educate the general public about the possibilities of nuclear fusion. There are now multiple startups in the nuclear fusion space, and their research and developments had significant impact on multiple fields. We at EX-Fusion deems nuclear fusion is a beacon of hope, prosperity, and peace for the world. And not only do we wish to develop commercial fusion reactors with lasers, but also actively participate in the advancement of space industry, semiconductor manufacturing, global energy security framework, and give back to the community with nuclear fusion.