Corporate Information

Message from our CEO

EX-Fusion is the first and only Japan-based full-stack laser fusion company. We are on a mission to revolutionize energy in the 21st century and create new industries using laser and photonics technologies.

Laser fusion has the potential to provide abundant, affordable, and safe energy to billions of people globally while not emitting carbon dioxides or other greenhouse gases. Unlike other forms of fusion, laser fusion has the high adaptability of meeting near real-time demand for electricity allowing for laser fusion power plants to operate both as a peaking power plant as well as a baseload power plant. I am confident that this unique characteristic of the laser fusion technology will contribute greatly to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

As Japan-based laser fusion company, EX-Fusion will accelerate the development of the laser technology towards fusion. Simultaneously, we will apply the knowledge and capabilities gained through our fusion development efforts to other industries such as manufacturing, semiconductor, biomedical, environmental, and aerospace. These practical applications of the technology will not only help attract the necessary capital for the laser fusion development, but also impact the society in numerous ways that go beyond just sustainable and limitless energy for the world.

These new industries and applications of laser technology will create new values for the society, and we look forward to sharing these capabilities from Japan to the world. I hope you share my excitement for laser fusion technology and pioneer together a new world where we are no longer limited by energy scarcity as a civilization.

Kazuki Matsuo, CEO and Founder

Head office

Osaka University Techno-alliance Building C C806
Yamadaoka 2-8 Suita, Osaka
zipcord : 565-0871

Hamamatsu Branch

innovation-cube(HI-Cube) Hamamatsu 303
Wajiyama 3-1-7, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka-ken
zipcord : 432-8003